

The Russian Kettlebell Swing is a seemingly simple movement - much like an air squat or pushup. But, these movements are key to the foundation of any person's ability to perform quality work in the gym and out.

The trouble begins when people think that because it's a basic movement that they can afford to simply go through the motions rather than making each and every rep as effective as possible. I know I'm guilty of this at times, but it's important that, as coaches, we convey a message of intention to our athletes. On the other side of that coin, the responsibility to carry that task out on a consistent basis - each and every rep - lies in the hands of the athlete.

So this video is for everyone. Coaches and athletes, take a few moments to watch the video and then apply these concepts and movement patterns into your reps. You'll find that intention tends to change everything

140lbs of Fury Fund

Some of you have seen the spectacle.  Some of you have not yet had the privilege.

There are days that loud grunting, yelling and even screaming can be heard coming from within TCS....often times accompanied by the distinct metallic "clink" of two kettlebells banging into one another with hypnotic rhythm.


These are the days that you KNOW Coach and competitor Randal Setzler is hard at work doing what is necessary to get back to the pinnacle of his sport to once again prove that he is one of the very best in the world.

Randal doesn't have the luxury of a coach to guide him through the journey.....he is his own coach.  He also doesn't have the convenience of training with others aiming for the same goal....he trains solo.  Be that as it may, he trains.  Hard. 

Knowing Randal in the capacity that I do, I am certain that making World's is not a possibility, but rather a MUST.  He is doing all of the things required to make that trip happen....Regardless of the fact that he must do it alone.

....Or does he?

Most of us can't train with Randal in any sort of effectiveness - the shit he does is terrifying.  Most of use have no idea how to "coach" him through the workouts he performs.  But what we can do is offer our financial support.  

Although Randal is in fact a member of the US Kettlebell Team, the sport does not offer the same "perks" that many top-tier sports do.  In fact, Randal is solely responsible for all financial obligations that go along with representing the USA at a international level.  That even includes purchasing the actual Team USA uniforms!!!  Crazy, right?!!!

But regardless of the challenges, Randal is ALL IN, and this offers us the chance to provide support.

It's easy.  Randal's clients have set up several ways to show your support:

1. Buy a shirt.
Follow THIS LINK to pre-order your "Kettlebell Gas Mask" shirt.  All proceeds will go to Randal and his efforts.

2. Make a donation.
Follow THIS LINK to make a donation to Randal's GoFundMe page.  Again, all proceeds go towards Randal's efforts to make it to National's then World's.

In either case, I hope that you see that this is something special and I hope that you are part of it.

Thank you.

TCS Free Workout

This past weekend, Coach Randal Setzler lead his first Free Community Kettlebell Workout at TCS, and there was a great showing!  Approximately 20 (new and familiar) swingers showed up to see the new digs and be coached by the very best in kettlebell.  It was awesome to see!

The coaches of LIFT and Strictly Strength have been sitting on the idea of a Free Community SWOD and we are ready to pull the trigger as well!  I realize it's short notice, but we'd love to see y'all bring some new faces around the TCS stomping grounds. 

Here are the details:

WHEN: Saturday, March 1st at 8:30am(Start time, not arrival time.)

REGISTRATION:  Open to 10 current TCS clients, and their PLUS ONE.  The goal is to have 10 TCS athletes bring one new person each. That would be a total of 20 people. (Yay, math!)

That's pretty much it.  Simple, right?  Because this is open to only 20 people I need to stress the fact that there needs to be 10 NEW faces on Saturday morning.  As things develop, we may open the registration to more, but we don't want to dilute the quality and the methods that we utilize in LIFT and SS.  That being the case, numbers must stay relatively low to insure this high quality workout experience. 

If you're ready to signup for the Free ComSWOD, and you already have a buddy to bring,


We'll see y'all soon!