The time is near!

We've had a lot of buzz about this team strongman competition and we are super excited to see how y'all handle these unique workouts. It's going to be a good night!

Without wasting any more time.....Here are your workouts and some very important info that you need to read through and understand. Doing so will only help you, so please take the time.

Workout#1 - "LOAD'n'GO"
(6min Cap)

In alternating fashion, athletes will carry various objects from one end of the course to other and "load" that object over the cross-member of yoke A. Once all 6 objects have been carried and loaded over yoke A, the team will again work in alternating fashion to transport and load all objects over yoke B. The workout is completed when the last object is loaded over yoke B and that athlete sprints back to finish line.

Workout#2 - "YOKED" 
(6min Cap)

Teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 1-RM yoke carry for each member of the team. At the end of 6 minutes, Athlete A's heaviest successful carry will be added to Athlete B's heaviest successful carry for a team total.
**NOTE: Once weight is added to the yoke, it can not be taken off throughout the 6 minute duration.  

Workout#3 - "HANGMAN" 
(3min Cap)

At the sound of "GO!", both team members must be hanging from the pullup bar while avoiding contact with anything else. The team's score is determined by the first member of each team to drop from the bar. Essentially, you're only as strong as your weakest link.

Workout#4 - "LOGGING"
(6min Cap)

Teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 1-RM log clean & press for each member of the team. At the end of 6 minutes, Athlete A's heaviest successful lift will be added to Athlete B's heaviest successful lift for a team total.
**NOTE: Athletes must show full control at the top of each lift/press. Additionally, if an athlete purposefully drops the log rather than controlling it back to the floor, that rep will NOT be counted. This call will be made at the discretion of the judge and is for everyone's safety.

Workout#5 - "MEDLEY"
(5min Cap)

The workout begins with a farmers carry "Buy-In" for each member of the team. Once Athlete A completes the farmers carry, he/she can then move on to the odd object ground-to-shoulder to start acquiring reps for the team. Athlete B must then complete the farmers carry in order to join Athlete A and work through the required team reps at each of the 5 objects. After the last object has been successfully shouldered, both team members must once again complete the same farmers carry as a "Buy-Out". The workout is completed once the last team member farmers carries across the finish line.

Need To Know Info

  • 5:15pm -- Athlete Check-In Starts 
  • 5:30pm -- Judges & Volunteers Meeting
  • 5:45pm -- Welcome and Workouts Briefing Begins
  • 6:30pm -- Heat#1 Of "LOAD'n'GO" Starts

Athletes are responsible for bringing any and all equipment, food, water bottle and anything else that may be needed......We provide water, chalk, a bathroom, a shower, some badass workouts and a great time!