

I was thinking about what makes TCS different from other spots around town. One answer, and probably the most obvious, is that we implement strongman movements more than any other joint in town....at least that I'm aware of.

Why is this the case?

My best guess is that coaches are afraid of screwing it up. Afraid of failure. Strongman can be extremely intimidating to athletes and coaches that aren't up-to-speed on the techniques and how they can apply it to their current training protocols. These are legitimate concerns, but they can be easily settled with some proper education. Once you've learned the movements, their specific techniques and how to appropriately program, it's an instant realization that you've been missing out this whole time(FOMO much?).

A meathead's attempt at some "Beautiful Mind" shit. Hahahaha!

A meathead's attempt at some "Beautiful Mind" shit. Hahahaha!

The BIG 3
Three Factors That Make Strongman F*cking Awesome:

1. Something that many people don't realize is that strongman movements are actually the closest thing to real-life, functional exercises out there. Think about it. Waaaaaaaaay back when, there weren't strength coaches roaming the wild teaching early humans how to pick up logs or stones. That shit was just part of our DNA. They knew how to get the job done in a way that minimized risk of injury while using the least amount of energy possible. (Did you pick up on that? Safety and efficiency.) This is still the case today!

We don't learn strongman techniques - we remember them.

2. As coaches, we must always provide the best service to our clients. That's how we build a successful business and maintain a solid reputation. In general, our athletes rarely need an over-complicated routine with super technical lifts that find the coach and athlete getting frustrated by failure and a lack of action.

Remember: People want to fucking move! If all you do is talk, your clientele will find someone else to make them sweat. It's really that simple.

The balancing act comes into play when you, as the coach, know your athlete needs to build certain positive characteristics that produce results. It's my contention that strongman movements and methods are some of the absolute best when it comes to getting a massive ROI (Return On Investment).

Basically, it boils down to how soon can you get a newb moving with quality and then add the appropriate dose of intensity? That's what will cause positive adaptation - movement and (appropriate) intensity. With strongman, the learning curve is nearly non-existent when compared to other modalities of training. It's simple, not easy. New athletes are able to get up and rolling sooner, which gets them the results they're looking for sooner!
ps. This doesn't make the others bad, wrong or any less important, but it should be a wake-up call as to how you get your people integrated. 

3. This shit is FUN! This is probably the most over-looked factor when training the general population. People want to have fun with their training. They also want to do shit that looks cool. And I challenge you to find anything more badass than picking up giant stones or flipping massive tires.

Look, it doesn't really matter if you're the world's best (technique/programming) coach, with all the coolest shit...If you are a Fun-Nazi, people will drop you like a bad habit and go where the fun is. Simple as that. You've got to make it fun!

I mean, doesn't Smitty look like he's having a BLAST with this well-designed workout incorporating the SM log? FUN!

I mean, doesn't Smitty look like he's having a BLAST with this well-designed workout incorporating the SM log? FUN!

All of this probably sounds amazing by now, right? You're probably just wondering when I'm going to shut up and tell you how to properly education yourself in the ways of Strongman so that you can get started. Well, here it is:

10/9/2016 CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course -- Austin, TX @ Travis County Strength

You'll learn all of this stuff and more during this course. The cool thing is that you will learn by DOING! This is not a sit-in-your-chair-and-listen type seminar. We will discuss the movements, the proper cues, the common faults and then you will practice...and practice....and practice. And when you're tired from all the practice, that's when we perform the movement with a dose of intensity.  

This seminar is honestly one of the highlights of my coaching experience. I'd have to say that my absolute favorite segment of the course is the programming lecture. We discuss several ways you can institute Strongman into the programming at your gym and how to do so appropriately.

I love everything about this course and I would love to share it with y'all! Hope to see you there! 


Given the success of the last TCS competition - Heavy Metal - Coach Nick Mounce has decided to give his Strongman-specific program a new look that I think many of you out there will really like.

Essentially, these new HEAVY METAL Saturdays will have an education/skill practice portion that will then be applied to a true Strongman workout(s). To put it simply.....you will learn - then apply. Needless to say, the variations are limitless so you'll have to be ready for anything.


Movements Include:

  • Tire Flips
  • Truck Pulls
  • Heavy Drags & Pushes
  • Farmers Carry
  • Keg Cleans
  • Strongman Log
  • Stone Shouldering/Loading
  • Yoke Walks & Carries
  • Car Deadlifts
  • Odd Object Carries
  • Sandbag Fun
  • Grip Strength Work
  • And More!

HEAVY METAL Saturdays --- The Details: 

  • Class runs from 10-11am two Saturdays each month
  • Capped @ 8 Athletes
  • Class Fee = $40 

Your first chance to get in on HEAVY METAL is this Saturday!



The time is near!

We've had a lot of buzz about this team strongman competition and we are super excited to see how y'all handle these unique workouts. It's going to be a good night!

Without wasting any more time.....Here are your workouts and some very important info that you need to read through and understand. Doing so will only help you, so please take the time.

Workout#1 - "LOAD'n'GO"
(6min Cap)

In alternating fashion, athletes will carry various objects from one end of the course to other and "load" that object over the cross-member of yoke A. Once all 6 objects have been carried and loaded over yoke A, the team will again work in alternating fashion to transport and load all objects over yoke B. The workout is completed when the last object is loaded over yoke B and that athlete sprints back to finish line.

Workout#2 - "YOKED" 
(6min Cap)

Teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 1-RM yoke carry for each member of the team. At the end of 6 minutes, Athlete A's heaviest successful carry will be added to Athlete B's heaviest successful carry for a team total.
**NOTE: Once weight is added to the yoke, it can not be taken off throughout the 6 minute duration.  

Workout#3 - "HANGMAN" 
(3min Cap)

At the sound of "GO!", both team members must be hanging from the pullup bar while avoiding contact with anything else. The team's score is determined by the first member of each team to drop from the bar. Essentially, you're only as strong as your weakest link.

Workout#4 - "LOGGING"
(6min Cap)

Teams will have 6 minutes to establish a 1-RM log clean & press for each member of the team. At the end of 6 minutes, Athlete A's heaviest successful lift will be added to Athlete B's heaviest successful lift for a team total.
**NOTE: Athletes must show full control at the top of each lift/press. Additionally, if an athlete purposefully drops the log rather than controlling it back to the floor, that rep will NOT be counted. This call will be made at the discretion of the judge and is for everyone's safety.

Workout#5 - "MEDLEY"
(5min Cap)

The workout begins with a farmers carry "Buy-In" for each member of the team. Once Athlete A completes the farmers carry, he/she can then move on to the odd object ground-to-shoulder to start acquiring reps for the team. Athlete B must then complete the farmers carry in order to join Athlete A and work through the required team reps at each of the 5 objects. After the last object has been successfully shouldered, both team members must once again complete the same farmers carry as a "Buy-Out". The workout is completed once the last team member farmers carries across the finish line.

Need To Know Info

  • 5:15pm -- Athlete Check-In Starts 
  • 5:30pm -- Judges & Volunteers Meeting
  • 5:45pm -- Welcome and Workouts Briefing Begins
  • 6:30pm -- Heat#1 Of "LOAD'n'GO" Starts

Athletes are responsible for bringing any and all equipment, food, water bottle and anything else that may be needed......We provide water, chalk, a bathroom, a shower, some badass workouts and a great time! 


TCS Strongman Seminars Explained Through A Mathematic Equation

By: Nick Mounce (not a mathematician)

It has been awhile since my last contribution to the tcs blog. This post has been swimming around my head for six weeks or so. That normally means one of two things. Either I’ve finally figured out what I’m trying to say or it means I’ve spent way too much time with the circus in my head and this is going to a damn disaster. Fun thing is we get to find out together. Let’s go.

We have been holding Strongman seminars at TCS twice a month for about a year now. Some months more, some less, but that is about the average. Every one of them plays out the exact same way at their base. That is why and how I came up with this equation. There is no magic to this (it would be a lot cooler if there was). I’m going to write this out and then break it down the best I can. So let’s get to it.

 P+C = K
SA = $$$

What does any of this mean and how does it relate to strongman lifts? Let’s define what each letter and symbol represent then how they relate to each other and the strongman lifts.

  • P = practice
    • We spend about ½ an hour on each implement during the class. Cleaning up any flaws in positioning, technique, or approach to the lift / movement.
  • C = coaching
    • Pretty self-explanatory. Although I should mention that we keep the seminars capped to 6. So you get individual attention.
  • K = confidence
    • I know it starts with a C.
  • Δ = (delta) change / change in
  • SA = speed and aggression
    • This is the speed and aggressiveness that you use on the lifts / movements.
  •  $$$ = the new piece of heavy shit you just moved.
    • (Just imagine something way more badass there.)

There it is in all of its glory. Some practice plus coaching will give you more confidence in the strongman lifts. With this newfound confidence you will see a change in the speed and aggression on these lifts (drum roll). With more speed and aggression you will move more weight… a lot more weight.  

So if you are stuck on a certain stone, keg, log, yoke, sandbag weight and feel like you could do more or want to just get your hands on this awesome equipment a little more I know a place.

This month we are hosting two seminars. The dates, times and what is being covered at each is listed just below.

1) Jan. 10th @ 10-1130am

  • Kegs (loading, shouldering, pressing)

  • Stones (loading, shouldering)

  • Tire Flips

2) Jan 24th @ 10-1130am

  • Log (clean, press, viper press)

  • Yoke Walk

  • Pinch Grip & Farmers Carry

  • *Car Deadlift (our version of the movement)*

    • If time allows

HEAVY METAL - Team Strongman Competition

January 30 2015


Travis County Strength 
5501 N. Lamar Blvd #113 
ATX 78751

6 teams of 2 males -- REGISTER HERE
6 teams of 2 females -- REGISTER HERE
*Only 1 Person from each team needs to register*

$50 per Team

Each member of the team should be familiar with the following equipment: YOKES, ATLAS STONES, LOGS, FARMERS CARRIES, KEGS, SANDBAGS, TIRES, AND SLEDS. 

Workouts will be released at noon the day of the competition.

Be Ready! 

Friday Night SWOD -- One Month Out!

Are you ready?

It's that time again. It's time for you to start contemplating what kind of "Fast'n'Nasty" workouts you'll have to take on in one month.

You know it's not going to be be easy, but that's what you like about it. You want to test yourself on a proving ground that is truly unique. One that is based on the idea that just because something is simple in design....does NOT make it easy.

Here's what I can tell you right now:

1. You will perform potent movements in time domains that force powerful responses. (read: "Fast'n'Nasty")
2. Your muscles will ache and burn.
3. Your lungs will struggle to keep up.
4. You will battle that voice in your head.
5. And all the while.....you'll have FUN.

Oct. 3rd
Male Registration Here
Female Registration Here
Capped at 15 men, 15 women
Rx'd and Scaled Divisions