TCS Strongman Seminars Explained Through A Mathematic Equation

By: Nick Mounce (not a mathematician)

It has been awhile since my last contribution to the tcs blog. This post has been swimming around my head for six weeks or so. That normally means one of two things. Either I’ve finally figured out what I’m trying to say or it means I’ve spent way too much time with the circus in my head and this is going to a damn disaster. Fun thing is we get to find out together. Let’s go.

We have been holding Strongman seminars at TCS twice a month for about a year now. Some months more, some less, but that is about the average. Every one of them plays out the exact same way at their base. That is why and how I came up with this equation. There is no magic to this (it would be a lot cooler if there was). I’m going to write this out and then break it down the best I can. So let’s get to it.

 P+C = K
SA = $$$

What does any of this mean and how does it relate to strongman lifts? Let’s define what each letter and symbol represent then how they relate to each other and the strongman lifts.

  • P = practice
    • We spend about ½ an hour on each implement during the class. Cleaning up any flaws in positioning, technique, or approach to the lift / movement.
  • C = coaching
    • Pretty self-explanatory. Although I should mention that we keep the seminars capped to 6. So you get individual attention.
  • K = confidence
    • I know it starts with a C.
  • Δ = (delta) change / change in
  • SA = speed and aggression
    • This is the speed and aggressiveness that you use on the lifts / movements.
  •  $$$ = the new piece of heavy shit you just moved.
    • (Just imagine something way more badass there.)

There it is in all of its glory. Some practice plus coaching will give you more confidence in the strongman lifts. With this newfound confidence you will see a change in the speed and aggression on these lifts (drum roll). With more speed and aggression you will move more weight… a lot more weight.  

So if you are stuck on a certain stone, keg, log, yoke, sandbag weight and feel like you could do more or want to just get your hands on this awesome equipment a little more I know a place.

This month we are hosting two seminars. The dates, times and what is being covered at each is listed just below.

1) Jan. 10th @ 10-1130am

  • Kegs (loading, shouldering, pressing)

  • Stones (loading, shouldering)

  • Tire Flips

2) Jan 24th @ 10-1130am

  • Log (clean, press, viper press)

  • Yoke Walk

  • Pinch Grip & Farmers Carry

  • *Car Deadlift (our version of the movement)*

    • If time allows