

El Inferno.jpg

Saturday's El Inferno team competition was a huge success! Everyone had a blast while working through some tough workouts and hanging with friends and family. 

All of the teams did a great job, and before we post the final standings, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the athletes, spectators, judges, volunteers and sponsors. El Inferno would not have been the success it was without your involvement and support. 



1. Purple Hays
2. Team PRISManiac
3. GF3
4. Zilka Brothers
5. Axe/em
6. Chilly Dogs
7. Las Barbas
8. Team Greenbelt
9. Squirtle Squad
10. Papi Chulos


1. Hot to Squat
2. LIFT Bish
3. 2 Girls, 1 Comp
4. Hide Yo Kegs
5. Bianca/Kat
6. Team Lagaratha
7. Amy/Ashley
8. Naked/Famous
9. Divas & Tequila
10. Lethal Ladies



**We will run this as tight as possible. Don't be that person.**

  • 630-715am -- Athlete Check In
  • 700am -- Volunteers & Judges Meeting
  • 720am -- Athlete Briefing
  • 745-800am -- Warmup
  • 800am -- Workout 1 / Heat 1 -- GO TIME!


One member of each team will complete one of the following:

  • 1min Max Calorie Airdyne
  • 2min Max Calorie Row


  • Athletes will have one shot to earn as many calories as possible on their given task.
  • Team score will be the total calories earned by each member of the team.

WORKOUT#2 -- (7.5min Cap)

A) In 5 minutes, each team member will establish a 1-rep max of the following barbell complex:

  • 1 Ground-to-Overhead
  • 1 Front Squat
    • Athletes may go in any order, but once a weight has been loaded, it cannot be taken off. Weight can only increase during the 5min work period.

B) Once 5 minutes has elapsed, athletes will be given a 30 second transition period to ready themselves for the following:

  • 2 minute AMRAP of Dual Kettlebell Farmers Carry in alternating fashion.
    • M: Dual 72/F: Dual 53

WORKOUT#3 -- (10min Cap)

With a 10 minute running clock, athletes will complete the following AFAP:

  • 600m Loaded Run @ M:90/F:60
  • 60 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters @ M:60/F:35
  • 40 Stone-over-Shoulder @ M:90/F:60
  • Teams will use the remaining time to accumulate as many strict pull-ups as possible. 


  • Athletes may switch the load as they see fit during the run.
  • Athletes may not contact the DB with the off hand during the thrusters.
  • Judges will signal a good rep at the top of each thruster. Only after this call can the DB be lowered back to the shoulder/front rack position.
  • Athletes must place the DB on the ground when performing a transition to their teammate. It cannot be dropped or handed off.
  • Athletes may complete the 40 SOS's in any fashion.
  • Athletes will be signaled by their judge when to pull ("UP"), and when the rep is completed at the top (sounding off the rep count). 
    • For example: "UP"....."ONE"....."UP"....."TWO".....
  • Athletes can work through their pull-ups in any fashion.

WORKOUT#4 -- (8min Cap)

Teams will work to accomplish the following AFAP:

  • 40 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:225/F:155
  • 40 Rope Jumps
  • 30 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:255/F:185
  • 30 Rope Jumps
  • 20 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:275/F:205
  • 20 Rope Jumps


  • Only one person works at a time.
  • Athletes may complete the reps in any fashion they wish, but one task must be completed before moving on to the next.
  • Athletes will be responsible for weight changes and fully securing the weight with clamps.
  • Athletes may not bounce or drop the weight while deadlifting. This will be at the discretion of your judge.


The top two M/F teams will face off to complete the following AFAP for the top spot:



What an awesome night!

If you were there as an athlete, spectator, judge or volunteer I know you will agree that Friday night's Heavy Metal Team Strongman Competition was badass! 

Unfortunately, strongman events are kept pretty exclusive due to the crazy minimum requirements that athletes must meet in order to "play". With Heavy Metal we wanted to open the doors to anyone that was willing to take on a new challenge - and we could not have be more pleased with the final results of the evening.

Teams took on 5 demanding workouts that focused solely on strongman movements and characteristics. At the end of the night, it's fair to say, that everyone - even the top-level strongmen that participated in the event - were SMOKED! 

Needless to say, the energy and effort that each athlete brought to the competition was a major factor in the event's success. It should also be said that without the judges, volunteer, spectators and our sponsors(Rogue American Apparel, Survival Tactical Systems, Disciples Of Iron, ONNIT, Fringe Sport, 24 Diner, Easy Tiger and Blithe Salon & Spa).......Heavy Metal would not have run so smooth or had such a positive outcome. It was truly a group effort and everyone deserves a huge THANK YOU for their part.

Here are the final standings:


1st - Brandlyn & Stacey
2nd - Natalie & Katie
3rd - Carrey & Bonnie
4th - Meghan & Taylor
5th - Michelle & Paige
6th - Genny & Allison


1st - Travis & David
2nd - Kevin & David
3rd - Josh & Andrew
4th - Dom & Andre
5th - Elliot & Elliot
6th - Tony & Jared

HEAVY METAL - Team Strongman Competition

January 30 2015


Travis County Strength 
5501 N. Lamar Blvd #113 
ATX 78751

6 teams of 2 males -- REGISTER HERE
6 teams of 2 females -- REGISTER HERE
*Only 1 Person from each team needs to register*

$50 per Team

Each member of the team should be familiar with the following equipment: YOKES, ATLAS STONES, LOGS, FARMERS CARRIES, KEGS, SANDBAGS, TIRES, AND SLEDS. 

Workouts will be released at noon the day of the competition.

Be Ready! 

Friday Night SWOD - Recap

By now you've probably seen some picture, post, or tweet from last Friday evening's event at TCS, the Friday Night SWOD. I'll be honest in saying that this was one of our smaller FNS events - my theory is that holding this on the same night as the ACL opener is not the best plan of action, but what the hell. We had a blast with a bunch of great people! And really, that's why we do this.

So, with that being said, the competition was a huge success!

We had athletes from Houston, San Marcos, Seguin, Cedar Park and of course Austin. All of these competitors took on the 3 workouts of the evening:

1. "Draggin' Ass"
2. "Load'n'Go"
3. "The To-Do List"

It was clear that everyone thought that the first workout was the nastiest of them all.....which is exactly what we planned on. Competitors tore into this workout with a blistering pace that soon slowed to a "Get this shit over with" grind. Once each heat ended with several athletes taking a couple moments to collect themselves before attempting to stand and walk off the workout floor. Perfect!

The second workout slowed things down a least temporarily while each athlete had 6min to establish his/her 2-Rep Max Front Squat before going immediately to a nasty little sandbag/stepup complex that only lasted for 90sec, but surely felt like a lifetime. 

We saw some massive lifts, and I would say that the majority of the athletes managed to PR their old 1-Rep Max and take it for a second rep! 

One moment that was captured by our video crew pretty much says it all. This is Carlos.

Carlos is the owner of CrossFit Houston and came up for his first FNS. He's probably glad he did, as he set a new PR on his Front Squat and ended up taking 3rd place overall.

On the final workout of the night we kept it super simple. But as you've heard on this very blog:

"Simple does NOT mean easy."

Athletes had to complete a ridiculously heavy set of single-arm DB presses, then go right to a short set of Burpees, only to then be forced to move a heavy-ass sandbag while performing Sandbag Getups. Miserable.

Nevertheless, these athletes powered through and came out the other side feeling beat-down and broken, but had fun all the while. Some athletes even got to perform some exercises and use some tools that they had never used before, like the stone and sandbag. 

At the end of the night, we gathered around and announced the top 3 males and 3 females in the Rx'd division, as well as the top female from the Scaled division.

Rx'd Males:

  1. Elliot E.
  2. Joshua K.
  3. Carlos I.
  4. Layke F.
  5. Jason W.
  6. Nathan F.
  7. Anthony B.
  8. Russ L.
  9. Elliot S.
  10. Michael S.
  11. Gabe K.

Rx'd Females:

  1. Taylor M.
  2. Cat C./Amanda H.
  3. Michelle H.
  4. Allison W.
  5. Carrey B.
  6. Lindsay S.
  7. Nicole A.
  8. Marianna M.
  9. Shannon
  10. Evelyn
  11. Laurie G.

Scaled Females:

  1. Shelley S.
  2. Katrina T.
  3. Ashley B.
  4. George

All of the competitors did an outstanding job throughout the entire night. But, as is the case with any competition, the FNS would not have even happened if it weren't for the judges and volunteers. 

These ladies and gents spent the entire time counting reps and maintaining a high standard of movement, as well as making big changes to the layout of the workout floor for each of the 3 workouts. Again, without these individuals the night would have gone completely different and no one would have had the quality experience they did. So a big Thank You goes out to those that made the evening possible!

In closing, I would just like to say that you can stay up to date with the events that Travis County Strength has going on at any given time by checking the EVENTS tab on the website. This is where we will post future Friday Night SWOD's and much more! You can also stay in touch with TCS goings on right here on the blog! 

Until next time!

Friday Night SWOD - The Workouts

I'm sure the competitors have been eagerly awaiting this post, so I won't waste any unnecessary time getting to the details of tonight's event. However, I do need to remind y'all of the evening's timeline that can be found HERE. Please be sure to plan on shittier-than-normal traffic due to ACL.

Keep in mind that the information we have released covers the basics. You will need to be here on time to get the full briefing of all 3 workouts and their details. Don't miss this!

Lastly, if after seeing these 3 workouts you absolutely know which division (Rx'd or Scaled) you will compete in, contact Jen as soon as possible with this information.


WORKOUT 1 - "Draggin' Ass" (6min Cap)

3x AFAP: 

  • Weighted Tire Drag
  • Bear Crawl (Forward)
  • 2R/2L Stone Shoulders
  • Bear Crawl (Reverse)
  • Rx'd Male: 
    • Tire Drag -- Rd. 1 @ 90 | Rd. 2 @ 100 | Rd. 3 @ 110
    • Stone @ 115 
  • Scaled Male: 
    • Tire Drag -- Rd. 1 @ 70 | Rd. 2 @ 80 | Rd. 3 @ 90
    • Stone @ 95
  • Rx'd Female: 
    • Tire Drag -- Rd. 1 @ 70 | Rd. 2 @ 80 | Rd. 3 @ 90
    • Stone @ 75
  • Scaled Female:
    • Tire Drag -- Rd. 1 @ 45 | Rd. 2 @ 55 | Rd. 3 @ 65
    • Stone @ 45

WORKOUT 2 - "Load'n'Go" (7.5min Cap)

  • 6min to Find: 
    • 2-Rep Max Front Squat


  • 90sec AMRAP:
    • Sandbag Shoulder-to-StepUp
  • Rx'd Male:
    • Sandbag @ 90
    • Box @ 20"
  • Scaled Male:
    • Sandbag @ 60
    • Box @ 20"
  • Rx'd Female:
    • Sandbag @ 60
    • Box @ 16"
  • Scaled Female:
    • Sandbag @ 50
    • Box @ 16"

WORKOUT 3 - "The To-Do List"       (6min Cap)


  • 30 Single-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead (15R/15L)
  • 20 Burpees
  • 10 Sandbag Getups (5R/5L)
  • Rx'd Male:
    • Sandbag @ 90
    • DB @ 75
  • Scaled Male:
    • Sandbag @ 60
    • DB @ 55
  • Rx'd Female:
    • Sandbag @ 60
    • DB @ 45
  • Scaled Female:
    • Sandbag @ 50
    • DB @ 30

Friday Night SWOD -- INFO#1

It's almost that time! We are now just a couple of days out from the Friday Night SWOD and I'm sure you are wondering about the details of the evening, right?

Here we go. This is a quick run-down of what you need to be aware of:

  • NOON on Friday -- Workouts Released
    • The 3 workouts you will take on will be posted right here on this blog. Be sure to check them out and familiarize yourself with them. Attention to detail!
  • 5:00 - 5:45pm -- Athlete Check In
    • It's important to know that Friday is the first night of ACL....Traffic will suck! Make sure to plan accordingly so that you arrive on time and don't hold us up. Don't be THAT person!
  • 5:30 - 5:50pm -- Judges Meeting
    • If you are judging this event, you must be at TCS no later than 5:30 so that you know what's going on and what will be expected of you. 
  • 5:50pm -- Introduction and Workouts Briefing 
  • 1st Heat will start no later than 6:15pm

One final note:

Remember that the 1st place male and female will both be walking out with a hefty amount of CA$H money! We will also be stuffing the winners' gym bags with cool (and useful)  prizes that have been donated to us by some of Austin's best small businesses - all of which have a footprint in the fitness community at large. Needless to say, it pays to be a winner....specially at the Friday Night SWOD!

After reading this, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to CONTACT US!




Friday Night SWOD -- One Month Out!

Are you ready?

It's that time again. It's time for you to start contemplating what kind of "Fast'n'Nasty" workouts you'll have to take on in one month.

You know it's not going to be be easy, but that's what you like about it. You want to test yourself on a proving ground that is truly unique. One that is based on the idea that just because something is simple in design....does NOT make it easy.

Here's what I can tell you right now:

1. You will perform potent movements in time domains that force powerful responses. (read: "Fast'n'Nasty")
2. Your muscles will ache and burn.
3. Your lungs will struggle to keep up.
4. You will battle that voice in your head.
5. And all the'll have FUN.

Oct. 3rd
Male Registration Here
Female Registration Here
Capped at 15 men, 15 women
Rx'd and Scaled Divisions 



If you've been with TCS for a while now, you undoubtedly know Taylor or have at least heard other TCS athletes speak her praises.  Taylor is a LIFT athlete under Coach Jen Shaw and is one of those athletes that makes everyone else around her better.  Taylor is truly a very special young woman that impresses everyone with her hard work, unrelenting positivity and kindness.  

This past weekend Taylor traveled to Houston to take on her very first competition as an "As Rx'd Individual" -- A pretty big deal when you have as much passion and intensity for completive fitness as Taylor does. 

And this, my friends, is where I will send you over to Jen's LIFT blog to find out just how the weekend went for Taylor, as well as find out what Jen thinks is the main driver for Taylor's success. -----> LIFT

I know I speak for the entire Travis County Strength community when I say that we are so proud of you!  Thank you for representing TCS and LIFT the way you do!

Lead From The Front

If you've been with us for a while, you've undoubtedly seen or heard the phrase, "Lead From The Front".  This is a phrase that was first introduced to me by one of my mentors, Zach Even Esh.  He used it in several contexts, but it ended up being far more than just a phrase to me.  I adopted it as a mantra and applied it as a way of life.

I'm not going to sit here and spell it out for you.  It's such a simple and perfect idea that it deserves to be left untouched...un-f*cked with.  It would also be silly for me to inadvertently  influence your understanding of "Lead From The Front" with mine.

All you really need to understand is that this is part of what makes TCS such an awesome place to be a part of.  The people busting their ass on the floor day in, and day out, apply this idea - whether they know it or not.

In fact, the inspiration for this post was not some amazing act of athleticism or human performance, but something vastly more important and profound.  The inspiration for all of this is an image that was caught during the Women's Only Friday Night SWOD.  

Take a second to really look at this picture.  This is what "Lead From The Front" is all about.

A strong, powerful woman providing an amazing example for her daughter. LEAD FROM THE FRONT.

A strong, powerful woman providing an amazing example for her daughter. LEAD FROM THE FRONT.



Before we release the workouts for tonight's Women's Only Friday Night SWOD, let's hit a couple details:

Be sure that you show up EARLY.  I'm fairly confident in saying that showing up late and flustered will NOT help you perform better. Science.

Athletes are 100% for bringing any and all equipment and accessory shit.  We will have chalk.

Given the nature of the workouts you are about to see, you may or may not feel super confident performing some of the tasks.....That's OK, we will be running a brief "skill session" for anyone that may need some tips and tricks. 


3 Minute AMRAP:

  • Log Clean & Press @ Empty/65lbs

**Scaled Athletes will perform the following:

3 Minute AMRAP:

  • 3 Log Clean @ Empty/65lbs
  • 3 Right-Arm KB Shoulder-to-Overhead @ 16kg
  • 3 Left-Arm KB Shoulder-to-OVerhead @ 16kg

SWOD#2 @ AFAP -- 6min CAP:

  • Keg Shoulder
  • Goblet Squat

**Rx = 60lb Keg/24kg KB
**Scaled = 50lb Keg/20kg KB


8 Minutes to Establish:

  • 2-Rep Max Deadlift

**Lifts will be performed using a 45lb (Men's) Barbell

Women's Only Friday Night SWOD

The time is near.  Women from all over central Texas are coming to Travis County Strength to throw down at the 1st Women's Only Friday Night SWOD.  

During the registration process of our last FNSwod, it was very apparent that the women were on the edge of their seats waiting to sign up.  In fact, the women's registration sold out in 6 hours!  If that's not evidence enough that the women in this region want some fun, creative, challenging strength workouts thrown at them.....I don't know what is.

So....that's exactly what LIFT Coach, Jen Shaw is giving them.  This time, it's all about the chicas!  That being said, we would love to have anyone and everyone come spectate and motivate these badass chicks through the fast'n'nasty workouts that they'll tackle.


  • Athlete Check-in Starts at 5:15pm
    • You MUST be at TCS no later than 5:30pm
  • Judges and Volunteers arrive no later than 5:30pm
  • SWOD and Standards Briefing starts at 5:45pm
  • Athletes are responsible for bringing any and all equipment(water bottle included). 
    • We will provide chalk.  You're welcome ; )


A Strong Showing!

You may have heard....The Fittest Games happened. Hahaha.

I laugh because if you're a part of this ever-growing fitness community, you were probably very, very aware of the event that took place this past weekend.
..It's kind of a big deal around these parts.

In any case, The Fittest Games brings some of CrossFit's best athletes out of the woodwork and on to a proving ground.  It also provides a platform for all athletes - at any level - to see what it means to compete in the sport of fitness.  And as the CrossFit Open is just around the corner, It offers a true test, a check-in, for all athletes as they prep for the "CrossFit in-season".

Despite the fact that Travis County Strength has only been operational for almost 2 months, we had a strong showing at The Fittest Games.

Coach Jen Shaw had 3 badass LIFT/TCS chicks take on the challenges that The Fittest Games' Amateur division had to offer, while two of my Strictly Strength athletes represented TCS in the Masters Men's and Women's divisions.

Now, I will get to their placings in a moment, but I would rather spend the time sharing how impressed I was with their performances, durability, and most importantly - the fact that they enjoyed themselves throughout the 2-day event.

I'll be honest, I was only able to see our athletes compete on the 2nd day, but that was enough for me to know that they were having a great time and enjoying the challenges this competition had to offer.  In fact, this year's FG's was the first major competition for majority of our competitors.  So, like a nervous father watching over his kid play a sport for the first time, I was anxious to see how they handled the experience.  I can only say that I am so proud of how each of them worked their asses off during the workout, then were able to "turn off" and move passed that workout and ready themselves for the next - all while maintaining the highest of spirits.

To be completely honest, I didn't really give a shit where they placed.  Of course I wanted them all do well, but more importantly - I wanted them to enjoy the fruits of their labor....

Every.  Single. Person. at our gym works their ass off.  We demand that from them.  They demand that of themselves.  So for the competitors to have enjoyed themselves on this proving ground was the best feeling a coach could have.  It means that they were prepared and confidently accepted that they would have to work....and possibly fail at attaining a goal that they had set for themselves.  The point is that they accepted the challenged, were forced to work and prove themselves, and had FUN doing this!  That's a WIN in my book!  If you think otherwise, you may want to refocus your priorities.....

So with the important part out of the way, we can get to the final placings.

Coach Jen Shaw's LIFT/TCS Competitors

NOTE: Both Tina "TeeTee" Spears AND Meghan McCraken are LIFT competitors

NOTE: Both Tina "TeeTee" Spears AND Meghan McCraken are LIFT competitors

If you look closely you'll see that Taylor took 1st in one of the workouts and 5th in another!  Hahaha!  Not bad at all!

If you look closely you'll see that Taylor took 1st in one of the workouts and 5th in another!  Hahaha!  Not bad at all!

Strictly Strength/TCS Competitors

Richard splits his time between Travis County Strength and another badass training facility, Of The Lion Fitness.  His coach there is the one and only David DeLeon.  Let's just say Richard was ready for anything.  Again, notice the 1s…

Richard splits his time between Travis County Strength and another badass training facility, Of The Lion Fitness.  His coach there is the one and only David DeLeon.  Let's just say Richard was ready for anything.  Again, notice the 1st and 4th place finishes.  That doesn't suck.

4th Place?!?!?!  That's f*cking bonkers!  Why, you ask?  This was here first major competition!  Watch for her next year...

4th Place?!?!?!  That's f*cking bonkers!  Why, you ask?  This was here first major competition!  Watch for her next year...

In closing, I just want to say Thank You to the competitors for doing such an amazing job of representing Travis County Strength, your respective programs, your coaches, and most importantly yourselves and the hard work you have put in.  Great Job! 

Now....we get back to #work.


Friday Night SWOD - Results

It's taken us a while to come back down off of the high that we had after this most recent Friday Night SWOD, but now that we're here, we wanted to share the results.

Before we do that, though, I wanted to extend a massive THANK YOU to all of the athletes, volunteers, judges and spectators that showed up and created an incredible environment for the event.  It goes without saying, but without all of the support - shown in all capacities - the event would not have been the success that it was.  So, again....Thank You!

For anyone that didn't get to make it out to see what this whole Friday Night SWOD thing is all about -- you're in luck!  We will undoubtedly be doing another FNS in the coming months.  This time we will have some new toys to play with, so it should be very interesting. 

Also, if you missed us last Friday, we had one of our very own LIFT ladies, Maggie G., do a brief report on her experience that you will find extremely entertaining should you take the time to read it - which we highly recommend.  It's hilarious! GAME FACE

Ok.  Enough jibber-jabber.  The results.


Rx'd Female:

  1. Allison
  2. Taylor
  3. Iris/Meghan
  4. Franki
  5. Dani
  6. Stacey/Jenny
  7. Genny/Maria
  8. Nichole

Rx'd Male:

  1. Brian
  2. Mike L
  3. Joey
  4. Josh
  5. Wyatt
  6. Stephen
  7. Elliot
  8. Jordan
  9. Nathan
  10. James
  11. Chris
  12. Dominic
  13. Billy

Scaled Female:

  1. Iona
  2. Jen
  3. Savannah
  4. Erin
  5. Norah
  6. Maggie
  7. Suzanne

Scaled Male:

  1. Jeff H.
  2. Orlando

T-minus 6 hours...

Tonight's the night!!!  It's going to an action-packed, fast-moving, work-doin' kinda night.....and you're all invited!

We had a huge response with registration and have oversold the event by 5 spots!  15 men and 20 women - some familiar faces, as well as many new ones - will throw down tonight.  It's going to be a blast!

Now, this is the really important stuff to pay attention tune in and READ IT ALL(schedule at bottom)!


SWOD#1 - "Grip'n'Rip"

6min AMRAP:

  • 1 set of the BB Complex:
    • 5 Deadlift
    • 3 Front Squat
    • 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
  • 2 (4,6,8,10,12...) Single-Arm KB Ground-to-Overhead

**Athletes will start each new round with the BB Complex, then move to the KB work where each round increases reps by 2.

Male Rx'd: 155 BB/75 KB
Female Rx'd: 110 BB/55 KB
Male Scaled: 135 BB/55 KB
Female Scaled: 85 BB/35 KB


SWOD#2 - "Rock Solid"

  • 1min 45sec AMRAP:
    • Burpee Box Jumps
  • 15sec Transition to Rack and BB

  • Max Effort BB Hold(5min cap)

**Athletes MUST have the BB un-racked and loaded across their back by the end of the 15sec transition.  Once there, athletes will hold this loaded, standing position for as long as possible.  For the effort to count, athletes MUST re-rack the BB safely on the squat rack.  DROPPING = DQ

Male Rx'd: 24" Box/2x Bodyweight
Female Rx'd: 20" Box/1.75x Bodyweight
Male Scaled: 20" Box/1.75x Bodyweight
Female Scaled: 16" Box/ 1.5x Bodyweight


SWOD#3 - "Get Up and GO!"

5min cap to accomplish:

  • 5 Sandbag Getups
    • Shuttle Sprint
  • 4 Sandbag Getups
    • Shuttle Sprint
  • 3 Sandbag Getups
    • Shuttle Sprint
  • 2 Sandbag Getups
    • Shuttle Sprint
  • 1 Sandbag Getup
    • Shuttle Sprint

**Every GetUp rep must start on the ground AND finish on the ground for it to count.  Athletes will be required to touch each line of the shuttle sprint with his/her hand.

Male Rx'd: 80# SB
Female Rx'd: 50# SB
Male Scaled: 50# SB
Female Scaled:
Turkish Getup with Athlete's Choice


**Don't be THAT person that holds it up.**

  • 515pm - Judges and Volunteers Arrive
  • 530pm- Judge's Meeting
  • 530pm - Athlete Registration CLOSES
    • Athletes will be required to select their division at the time of check-in.
  • 545pm - Welcome & SWOD Lecture/Demo
  • 600pm - 1st Heat Kicks off!!!
  • Have a blast 'til it's done!  See ya soon!


Friday Night SWOD - SIGNUP!

Alright!  The time has come!

We are throwing down another Friday Night SWOD (the TCS Edition) Friday, the 10th of January.

The underground strength/strongman-inspired competition is open to all, but is only taking 15 men and 15 women so you'll need to act FAST if you wanna play.

Athletes will have the option to compete as an "Rx'd Athlete" or a "Scaled Athlete".  This is simply a matter of loading, NOT skill.  It's important that you understand - Everyone can play!  It should also be noted that only "Rx'd" athletes will be in the running for the CA$H prize for 1st place male and female.

The night will be comprised of 3 Fast'N'Nasty workouts that will bias towards strength and the ability to handle odd objects and tasks.  To put it simply: This will be about WORK.  But, it will be fun...

Lastly, all spectators are welcome!

Here are your SIGNUP links:




Friday Night SWOD - The TCS Edition

The mat drag. FNSwod - NBCF Edition.

The mat drag. FNSwod - NBCF Edition.

This is an official "Save the Date" for the next FRIDAY NIGHT SWOD - The Travis County Strength Edition.

  • WHEN: 6:00pm Friday, January 10th
  • WHERE: Travis County Strength
  • WHO: Open to anyone(Scaled/Rx'd options)
  • PRICE: $25(Portion of each athlete's entry fee goes towards ca$H prize)
  • WHAT: 3 fast'n'nasty workouts with a bias towards strength and moving heavy sh*t.  Simple....NOT easy.

More information will be available soon.  Until then, ready yourself for a night packed full of badass workouts and a great community.